Dear Tea Party Animals
You are not helping. Please stop.
Don't get me wrong. Like you, I don't enjoy paying my taxes. Like you, I wish people were smart enough not to text while driving, or obey the speed limit without being ticketed, or refrain from committing massive financial fraud without the threat of massive jail time, or refrain from drinking pepsi without being taxed and bullied. In short, I enjoy having a government no more than you do. Unfortunately, people are assholes and idiots. So it looks like we're gonna need this government thing a while longer.
And taking away all its money, like you seem to want to do, makes it suck much more. Our civil servants come to work every day knowing that a goodly percentage of the people they serve want to kill them. Do you really think that on-the-job performance will improve if we pay them less?
It's time to grow up. This is the government we have, and we cannot fix it by breaking it or starving it. Please let us pass the health care bill so that if you ever find yourself in a hospital with more sick than money, we don't have to pay for your ungrateful ass.
PS - To my catholic friends
Don't get me wrong. I love you guys. Your religion has contributed some of the greatest art, music, and philosophy that "western civilization" has to offer. I love you, even though you eat the flesh and drink the blood of your god every Sunday (and they call us Jews weird). But you seriously need to stop telling the rest of us what to do with our tax money until you tie all your child-molester-enabling bishops to one big stake and burn them.